Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How to Create a Resume in Word

How to Create a Resume in WordCreating a resume in Word is a little different than creating one in PDF. There are a lot of things that are different in the two formats, but there are also some advantages to the way they work. It is important to make sure that you take the time to understand what the differences are, so that you can be successful when you create a resume in Word.The first thing that is different is the color scheme. In Word, you use the program's default color scheme, which is called 'bold'. This means that most of the text in your resume will be in bold, except for the items that have bullet points.In a PDF resume, all of the text in the resume has a bold color scheme. This means that it is all in bold text and that you can also have bullets throughout the document. This makes the resume look much more professional and organized than it would if you used the default word format.The second thing that is different is that you can not include bullet points in Word. If y ou use a PDF resume, you can include bullet points within the documents as long as the information in the bullet points is an actual phrase or sentence. However, you can't include bullets in Word. This is a big difference, because it makes creating a resume in Word very difficult, even though it is supposed to be easy.You will also find that you cannot use certain page layout features in Word as you can in PDF. For example, you cannot use page breaks in Word. You can, however, italicize words, which is something that you cannot do in Word.Another difference is that you cannot use page numbers in Word as well. This is something that is going to be very helpful to people who want to make their resumes look organized. You can also not use italics in Word as well. People who want to be able to make the information look a bit more professional will need to use a PDF resume.Last, but not least, Word will not let you put abbreviations in your resume. All of the major abbreviations are goin g to be used in PDF resumes and are not going to be able to be used in Word. Again, this makes creating a resume in Word a very challenging task.To be successful when you create a resume in Word, you will need to use both PDF and Word. When you choose to use only one, you will be missing out on a lot of great opportunities for making your resume look great.

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